Jumapili, 5 Septemba 2021

ADVERTISEMENT: Professional Auditing Services Needed

Bunda Farmers Development Support Organization (BUFADESO) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to audit the financial Statements for the financial year starting 1st January 2021 ended 31st December 2021, with the option of auditing the financial statements for the future financial years.
Your proposal should contain, but not be limited to the following considerations:
1. Eligibility – accreditation to conduct audits.
2. Experience of your firm in relation to the scope of audits for the non-governmental
3. Your staff assignments and availability to complete the audit on a timely basis, by 15th of February 2022.
4. Procedures used to transmit audit adjustments and the reasons for them along with
management recommendations to the responsible personnel within the organization’s
5. Detailed audit plan.
6. The proposal fee to conduct the audit function.
7. Estimated timeframe to complete the audit.

The final decision of the selection of the firm to conduct the audit will be made by BUFADESO Board of Directors.
The final agreement will be in the form of a written contract following the standard agreement form used by CPA firms conducting audits.
All questions and correspondence should be directed to the Coordinator in writing to bufadeso@gmail.com
Background Information:
Bunda Farmers Development Support Organization (BUFADESO) is a member-based, non-profit, nongovernmental organization founded in 2012 and registered in 2013 under the Act number 24, section 12(2) by the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elders and Children with a registration number 00NGO/00010200.
BUFADESO envisions being a strong organization that will bring sustainable agricultural development to farmers; with a mission of empowering farmers on improved, profitable and sustainable agriculture.
BUFADESO is implementing two projects in partnership with Vi Agroforestry;- a Swedish development organization fighting poverty and climate change – together, through agroforestry and strengthening of farmers` organizations, to empower smallholder farmer families to reduce poverty, hunger and deforestation, and contribute to increased biodiversity.
Our work is based around five thematic areas namely:- Agriculture and environmental management; Farm Enterprise Development; Advocacy; Gender and HIV/AIDS mainstreaming; and Children and Youth empowerment.
Bunda Farmers Development Support Organization is currently implementing one project: ALIVE (Agroforestry for Livelihood Empowerment) project and has phased-out an Ecosystem project (SEMA project) on 31st January 2021.  , both funded by Vi Agroforestry.
The organization seeks to solicit proposals from an external, independent, and qualified auditor to audit the Projects financial statements for the financial year ending 31st December, 2021 with the option of auditing the financial statements for the future financial years. 
Objective of the Audit:
  1. The objective of the audit of BUFADESO financial statements is to enable the auditors to express an independent professional opinion on the financial position of BUFADESO and to ensure that the funds utilized to BUFADESO’s activities have been used for their intended purposes as funded by Vi Agroforestry.
  2. The books of accounts of BUFADESO provide the basis for preparation of the BUFADESO’s Financial Statements. Proper books of accounts as required by law have been maintained by BUFADESO and also maintain adequate internal controls and supporting documentation for the transactions 
Scope of the Audit
  1. The audit will be carried out in accordance with the International Auditing Standards and will include tests and verification procedures as the auditors deem necessary.
  2. Verify all funds have been used in accordance with the established rules and regulations of BUFADESO as well as Vi Agroforestry funding terms and conditions    /and only for the purposes for which the funds were provided.
  3. , works and services financed have been procured in accordance with the BUFADESO’s established rules and procedures.
  4. Appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounts relating to all activities have been kept. Clear linkages should exist between the books of accounts and the financial statements presented.
  5. Comprehensive assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and overall internal control system to monitor expenditures and other financial transactions.
  6. Express an opinion as to reasonableness of the financial statements in all material respects.
  7. Include in their reports opinion on compliance with procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance of detecting misstatements due to errors or fraud that are material in the financial statements.
  8. Conduct entry and exit meeting with the Management of BUFADESO
  9. In addition to the audit report, the auditor will prepare a management Letter on the following:
i.  Give comments and observations on the accounting records, procedures, systems and controls that were examined during the course of the audit.
ii.  Identify specific deficiencies and areas of weakness in systems and controls and make recommendations for improvement.
iii. Report on the implementation status of recommendations pertaining to previous period audit reports.
iv. Communicate matters that have come to their attention during the audit which might have a significant impact on the sustainability of the organization.
v.  Bring to the Management’s attention any other matters that the auditors consider pertinent.
  • The Auditors on completion of the audit work will submit 3 (three) original copies of the Audit Report appended to the Financial Statements along with the reports to the attention of the Management.
  • Management letter in accordance with the scope of work described here before. 
Qualification criteria of the auditor:
1.  The signing Auditor is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or institution which in turn is member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and is licensed for providing the required services acceptable to Vi Agroforestry.
2.  The audit will be performed according to International Standards on Auditing (ISA 800/805) and International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400, as set out in Vi Agroforestry Audit instructions
3  Relevant experience related to the assignment in accordance with Vi Agroforestry Audit instructions.
4.  Ability to review accounts and documents in relevant languages.
5.  No subcontracting of the audit assignment by the selected auditor will be allowed.

Nature of Services Required
1. Audit period will be from 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2021. (One year)
2.The partner organisations shall give the auditors access to the accounts, all documents, correspondence, and any other information associated with the Project and deemed necessary by the auditors.
3.The draft audit reports must be shared with the Partner and Vi Agroforestry and discussed with the partner organisation in detail before being finalised by the auditor.
4.The signing auditor may not be given the assignment for more than five years in succession.
5. Audit Memorandum, including:
• Auditor’s confirmation of independence, signed by the Auditor
• Auditor’s Authorisation Certificate
• Independent Auditor’s Report (ISA 800/805), signed by the Auditor
• Management Letter, signed by the Auditor
• Report of Factual Findings (ISRS 4400), signed by the Auditor
• Audited annual financial report and accompanying financial statements, including statement of income and expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2021, signed by the Auditor on each page for identification purposes
Audit Duration:
The audit work shall be completed within two weeks from the date of commencement of the audit.
Interested audit firms with experience in executing similar assignments are invited to submit their expression of interest/bids on or before 30th September 2021 addressed to bufadeso@gmail.com
All proposals become the property of BUFADESO and will become part of the requester’s files without obligation.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni

Kauli mbiu yetu

BUFADESO kwa maendeleo ya wakulima


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